Wednesday, March 24, 2010


从什么时候开始 我们会在乎别人的想法

从什么时候开始 我们会因为别人的想法而失去了自我

像是为了别人而存在着一样 没原则

曾经何时 有人告诉我 那很自私啊

忘了是什么时候 懂得在意

就因为在意所以变得脆弱 轻而易举地被击倒



眼睛会说话 最诚实不会说谎的

灰色地带总是有的 避免不了

做回自己吧 自在就好

别人笑我太疯癫 我笑他人看不穿

当我们已经不再在乎时 便是百毒不侵之时

Sunday, March 14, 2010


What is secret?
Things people kept hidden from others

But why would someone telling you a secret?

Because someone know you're trustworthiness.

Why would someone telling you the deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which no one else in the world knows... and yet... in the end, you do not think any less of someone.. even if someone think the rest of the world might does?

Someone know you more than the others..

That is trust..

Thank you for trusting and believing in me..