Thursday, December 13, 2012
Everyday is a special day when someone is trying to make a difference in your life with all his/her heart. You don't need a reason to show you care. You don't need a special day to show your love. Sometimes, we tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have now. Enjoy each of the precious moments that we have with those who cherish you like a ________. :)
Monday, November 12, 2012
如果 某某人告诉你 她知道你的命运
她说 你命中注定 想要的 渴望的
都不会得到心爱的都不属于你 讨厌的扁扁就是你的
像嘴里咬着骨头的小狗狗 就算到了嘴边也永远尝不到那滋味
你会觉得 心想事成 如愿以偿 这些 都和自己扯不上任何关系
命运之战 毫无胜算
开始感到无奈 迷茫 无精打采 身心也疲累
她说 你命中注定 想要的 渴望的
都不会得到心爱的都不属于你 讨厌的扁扁就是你的
像嘴里咬着骨头的小狗狗 就算到了嘴边也永远尝不到那滋味
你会觉得 心想事成 如愿以偿 这些 都和自己扯不上任何关系
命运之战 毫无胜算
开始感到无奈 迷茫 无精打采 身心也疲累
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
A message by Lee Kuan Yew's daughter
Written by Lee Wei Ling,
In 2007, in an end-of-year message to the staff of the National Neuroscience Institute, I wrote: 'Whilst boom time in the public sector is never as booming as in the private sector, let us not forget that boom time is eventually followed by slump time. Slump time in the public sector is always less painful compared to the private sector.' Slump time has arrived with a bang. While I worry about the poorer Singaporeans who will be hit hard, perhaps this recession has come at an opportune time for many of us. It will give us an incentive to reconsider our priorities in life. Decades of the good life have made us soft. The wealthy especially, but also the middle class in Singapore, have had it so good for so long, what they once considered luxuries, they now think of as necessities.
A mobile phone, for instance, is now a statement about who you are, not just a piece of equipment for communication. Hence many people buy the latest model though their existing mobile phones are still in perfect w orking order. A Mercedes-Benz is no longer adequate as a status symbol. For millionaires who wish to show the world they have taste, a Ferrari or a Porsche is deemed more appropriate. The same attitude influences the choice of attire and accessories. I still find it hard to believe that there are people carrying handbags that cost more than thrice the monthly income of a bus driver, and many more times that of the foreign worker labouring in the hot sun, risking his life to construct luxury condominiums he will never have a chance to live in.
The media encourages and amplifies this ostentatious consumption. Perhaps it is good to encourage people to spend more because this will prevent the recession from getting worse. I am not an economist, but wasn't that the root cause of the current crisis - Americans spending more than they could afford to?
I am not a particularly spiritual person. I don't believe in the supernatural and I don't think I have a soul that will survive my death. But as I view the crass materialism around me, I am reminded of what my mother once told me: 'Suffering and deprivation is good for the soul.'
My family is not poor, but we have been brought up to be frugal.... My parents and I live in the same house that my paternal grandparents and their children moved into after World War II in 1945. It is a big house by today's standards, but it is simple - in fact, almost to the point of being shabby. Those who see it for the first time are astonished that Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew's home is so humble. But it is a comfortable house, a home we have got used to. Though it does look shabby compared to the new mansions on our street, we are not bothered by the comparison.
Most of the world and much of Singapore will lament the economic downturn. We have been told to tighten our belts. There will undoubtedly be suffering, which we must try our best to ameliorate. But I personally think the hard times will hold a timely lesson for many Singaporeans, especially those born after 1970 who have never lived through difficult times. No matter how poor you are in Singapore , the authorities and social groups do try to ensure you have shelter and food. Nobody starves in Singapore .... Many of those who are currently living in mansions and enjoying a luxurious lifestyle will probably still be able to do so, even if they might have to downgrade from wines costing $20,000 a bottle to $10,000 a bottle. They would hardly notice the difference.
Being wealthy is not a sin. It cannot be in a capitalist market economy. Enjoying the fruits of one's own labour is one's prerogative and I have no right to chastise those who choose to live luxuriously. But if one is blinded by materialism, there would be no end to wanting and hankering. After the Ferrari, what next? An Aston Martin? After the Hermes Birkin handbag, what can one upgrade to? Neither an Aston Martin nor an Hermes Birkin can make us truly happy or contented.. They are like dust, a fog obscuring the true mean ing of life, and can be blown away in the twinkling of an eye.
When the end approaches and we look back on our lives, will we regret the latest mobile phone or luxury car that we did not acquire? Or would we prefer to die at peace with ourselves, knowing that we have lived lives filled with love, friendship and goodwill, that we have helped some of our fellow voyagers along the way and that we have tried our best to leave this world a slightly better place than how we found it?
We know which is the correct choice - and it is within our power to make that choice. In this new year, burdened as it is with the problems of the year that has just ended, let us again try to choose wisely.
To a considerable degree, our happiness is within our own control, and we should not follow the herd blindly.
The writer is director of the National Neuroscience Institute. And also Lee Kuan Yew's daughter...
Credit to: Aunty Betty =)
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Did someone tell you before that owls are the only birds that can see the colour blue? Did you realise people are often more productive in blue rooms? Did you notice mosquito's are attracted to the color blue twice as much as to any other colour? Do you know why the sea is blue? Because all fishes in the sea talk like this 'blube blub blue blue blue blue'~~
Do you know how am feeling right now?
Am feeling blue..
Friday, June 8, 2012
你知道吗~ 花有花语, 蛋糕原来也有蛋语 糕语 蛋糕语 物语! 那你又知道芝士蛋糕的物语的什么吗?是 “甜蜜的爱情”~ 噢~~ 如此~~ 这也就能解释为什么电视剧情里失恋的人 都爱边哭边吃芝士蛋糕了。嗯~ 他们是要把那些错过的 无法挽回的 已经失去的 “甜蜜的爱情”,能大口大口地吞进肚子里去,傻傻的以为那就是拥有。我说嘛, 所有的感觉好像都只是曾经的拥有。你们看,被【摄取】的 “甜蜜的爱情” 慢慢地会被【消化】,有没有被【吸收】好像都不重要,因为到最后还是被【同化】了,然后 【拉 排泄】出来的。世界上唯一的不变的就是变化, 因为永恒的事情不存在 永远的拥有也还是个迷。毕竟又有谁懂永远到底有多远?满足于曾经的拥有的人其实并一点都不傻,活在当下的他们得到的是才真正的释怀。别想太多反正也想不到结局。 如果你和我一样是蛋糕爱好者 请务必好好的享用你的蛋糕,别以貌取味儿,也别急,慢慢的品尝,你会发现吃蛋糕可以是一件幸福的小事。(∪ ◡ ∪)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
今天没课, 难得能颓废,所以大半天都在网上溜溜,却无意间发现了【同理心】这一词。
所谓的同理心就是站在对方立场设身处地思考的一种方式。又叫做换位思考、神入、移情、共情,即透过自己对自己的认识,来认识他人。包括身体感觉,并不单纯指思维。有此心的人即于人际交往过程中,能够体会他人的情绪和想法、理解他人的立场 和感受,并站在他人的角度思考和处理问题。在既定已发生的事情上,把自己当成是别人,想像自己因为什么心理以致有这种行为,从而触发这个事件。因为自己已经接纳了这种心理,所以也就接纳了别人这种心理,以致谅解这行为和事件的发生。就算是自己的看法与人不同时,不认同—也不能判定对方的一定是错。尝试反复地思考,认真从其他角度去看,针对事而不是针对人,便会发现自己原本的定夺不一定完全正确。因为事情发生在 "我" 身上(主观)跟发生在 "你" "他" "她" "它" 身上(客观),分别非常大。别人的想法和行为总有他的原委。
同理心,是EQ的一个重要组成部分。EQ有五个方面,分别是---自我情绪认知,自我情绪控制、自我激励、同理心、人际关系处理。同理心,重要的是要站在对方的角度来理解问题,将心比心,这样你就知道对方为什么会那么想,从而更能理解对方的做法,减少误会和冲突。有时候可能衡量过人或事的影响,尽量接受和谅解别人的处事方式、作风和行动之后,调节一下自我的反应,便是 "同理" 的表现。就算因此而改变原本的做法或甚打消初衷, 并不代表被同化,而是体谅和尊重。=)
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
你在我身边 我们一块聊着 说起了往事 开心的笑着 突然 “那时侯的事也快四年前的了。。” 你说。就在这时候 我被你一言惊醒了。张开眼睛 只有天花板上的风扇在不停地转动 原来这一切都是梦。 可刚刚你在我身边的感觉却是那么 那么 的真实。 我不想忘记任何的画面 所以一直努力地让自己回想。 心真的很痛很痛 泪也开始不听使唤地落下 稀里哗啦 怎么也都停不下来。怎么办。。我还得去学校。可是我却还在哭 怎么也都停不下来了。没办法了 我拿起了手机 开始拨了第一个号码 不通 第二个 没线 第三个 明知道不可能会通却拨了 第四个 拨了也不会通 第五个 不能拨 第六个 还是别拨 第七个 也不应该拨 第八个。。。 不知道到了第几个 想着想着 按着按着 泪也都快流干了。 还 是 算 了 吧。我选择在浴室让花洒把自己冷静下来。看到了别人就微笑 没有异样的话 免得被别人问起 省得再次让眼泪绝提 让自己脆弱。哪怕只是一个拥抱就足以让我招架不住 崩溃地哭。一天也就过去了。最后 我还是无法入眠 所以我得在这里‘说’。 我‘说’完就去睡 睡醒 也就没事了。关心我的你 就别担心了。祝我安睡。。
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Ever notice the real JOY on the face of a FATHER while he was looking at his child?
Human happiness does not always depend on material things
Sometimes intangible things last longer that you could ever imagine
I'm my father's joy
Yes, I'm Abby.. =)
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